The permanent exhibition In spite of Normalization features the post-war evolution in Czechoslovakia in 1968 - 1989 by the means of texts and pictorial materials on panels, and original period documents and other exhibits in showcases. It focusses mainly on Moravian and Brno life and institutions.
In the introductory part of the exhibition the visitor learns through period photographs about the 21 August 1968 and 21 August 1969 in Brno. The next part describes Normalization in the Czechoslovak politics and culture using authentic documents preserved in the collection of the Department of History of Antitotalitarian Culture. Besides official historical events, independent activities and personalities striving for free, democratic thinking are emphasized. Samizdat series are on display, there are also examples of exile periodicals and descriptions of the destiny of some writers forced to leave Czechoslovakia. The visitor can learn about a very important chapter of the antitotalitarian resistance - the underground (apartment) seminars organized in Prague, Brno and Bratislava, and about the role of the Jan Hus Educational Foundation the part of which in running the Underground University was essential. Much space is dedicated to the Charter 77 and other opposition initiatives concentrated mainly in Moravia. The exhibition concludes with the depiction of November 1989 events in Brno.
Interactive elements in the exhibition are represented by operational typewriters and a library with period books and magazines. School groups are provided with work sheets.