Contact informations

Postal address:

Moravské zemské muzeum
Zelný trh 6
659 37 Brno

Phone contacts:

Tel.: +420 533 435 220
Fax.: +420 533 435 313

Public Relations:

RNDr. Barbora Onderková
tel. +420 533 435 273
mob. +420 602 812 682

IČO: 00094862
DIČ: CZ00094862

Bankovní spojení: Czech National Bank 4138621/0710

Change of rules for entry into the city center of Brno from 1 September 2020

MZM cannot register an external car in an area other than the Cabbage Market.

Arrival in the pedestrian zone (MZM Kobližná and Kapucínské náměstí buildings) must be arranged by an external visitor at the MMB transport department and prove the necessity of entry (eg contract, order) and technical card, see - "entry permit for activity - short - term ".

Infoline: 542 172 525, e-mail:, web:

It is recommended to process at least 1 week in advance.

Filing office of the Moravian Museum

Address for personal and postal reception of analogue and digital documents and messages on technical media:

Moravian Museum (Moravské zemské muzeum), Zelný trh 6, 659 37 Brno


Opening hours of the filing office:

Monday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Wednesday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.


• Data box ID: bfi2vz4 




• The Moravian Museum is not equipped with technology for receiving electronic documents  directly in the museum building.


• Technical parameters of physical media for submitting digital documents:

Accepted media are: USB flash disk, USB external hard disk drive, CD, DVD


• Answering questions concerning the operation of the filing office:

Questions concerning the operation of the filing office are to be sent to the e-mail address of the filing office: or to the postal address of the museum.


• List of authorized staff of the Moravian Museum with the qualified certificate issued by an accredited certification service provider:

Mgr. Katarína Bednáriková (

Ing. Jan Staněk (


• List of legal regulations on the basis of which legal acts in electronic form can be undertaken in the relation to the Moravian Museum and requirements for these acts, especially concerning the qualified digital signature:

According to act n° 500/2004 Coll., Administrative procedure code, the document

- has to be signed with qualified digital signature (§ 37 art. 4),

- the digital document must fulfil obligatory  content requirements for the electronic submission with qualified digital signature according to § 37 art. 5, i.e. the certification service provider having issued and registering the certificate or the certificate has to be enclosed,

- need not be signed with the qualified digital signature under the condition of being confirmed, within 5 days, or completed in written, oral or electronic form with the qualified digital signature,

must fulfil obligatory content requirements according to § 37 art. 2, i.e. for:

• natural persons: surname, family name, date of birth, permanent address, possibly another mailing address;

• private entrepreneurs: surname, family name, possibly specification  of the entrepreneur or field of business, identification number, address mentioned in the business register or another legal register as the company´s seat, possibly another mailing address;

• legal persons: name or company, identification number or similar entry, company´s seat, possibly another mailing address.


Complaints according to act n° 500/2004 Sb. (administrative procedure code)

- if the complaint is to be made in written form it must bear the qualified digital signature and the procedure is the same as in the case of  the document´s submission.


Request for information according to act n° 106/1999 Coll. on free access to information, i.e.  a written request for information according to this act, need not be signed with the qualified digital signature.

  • Contacts for individual museum departments in the Museum departments section
  • Webmaster e-mail: